Friday, December 01, 2006

Release Date 11/21/2006

Released this message while Hog Hunting in the Suwannee River National Wildlife Refuge. The score was Hunters 0 Hogs 3. We didn't see a single one so we went home hungry.
The weather was cold in the morning, but really nice, warm and sunny in the afternoons. I released the bottle just as the sun was setting in mouth of the river from the airboat, as we were coming home on the last day. Since we usually hunt from Sun-up to Sun-Set. Just stunning scenry.
One morning while sitting in a tree waiting to kill something the Owl pictured above landed on a nearby limb. It was daytime, but he seemed really sleepy. He just sat there for an hour or so, and didn't even fly away when I climbed down for lunch.

1 comment:

bonnie said...

Awesome shooting - even if it didn't result in a pig-pickin'!