Thursday, November 16, 2006

Release Date 10/30/2006

Released the message off of the Southern Coast of Milos Greece. We were doing a kayaking and camping trip paddling around the Island.

We had spent the night at the site of an abandoned sulfur mine on the Southern Coast. It was a very dramatic environment with a huge array of old buildings and machinery. The mine was abandoned in the 1960s, and everything beds, tools, equipment just left there. Funny thing was you could still sulfur deposits on the ground and smell the sulfur.

I released the bottle on the next morning. Right afterward we were exploring an old settlement along the coast, and I found a volcanic hot spring. After moving some rocks around we were able to have spitz bath before lunch.

Later in the day I was kayak fishing away from the other paddlers when I came upon large sea turtle. She was just resting on the surface, and I was able to paddle right up to her. In Florida the turtles are very skitish, but this one just calmly looked at me, and paddled around. Eventually she dived.

We got off the water that night since a massive storm came through, force 6 winds and tremendous rain and lighting. We watched from a bar, spent the night in a hotel, and the next day touring the island until the storm blew over.

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