Thursday, June 12, 2014

Release Date 5/27/2014

We went up to Maine for Kayak camping over Memorial day.  It was very beautiful, just stunning coastline and rocks along the water.

We were staying at a friend of fiend's property on a place called Loud's Island. Contrary to the name it is not loud at all, and very peaceful. It was a bit early in the season. I didn't wear a drysuit, but probably should have since it rained a lot and we were often uncomfortable.

One crucial error was a low booze supply, but fortunately I was able to supplement with my new stove fuel, Everclear.

We were able to get fresh lobster right from the fishermen in the harbor, so we are definitely going to remember that trick.

We found a place for rent, a small cabin, so we may go back there another time for a bit more comfort a bit later in the season.

This was the first sea trials, or trial of any sort, for the Triton and it performed really well. We did have trouble turning it, and subsequent investigations revealed they shipped it with the wrong, smaller, rudder, so we remain hopeful it will be behave better when we get that fixed.

Lobster fishing dock, can't get it any fresher.

Our friend sent us this. We are taking a post lunch nap. He titled it "Bellies full of lobstah".

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