Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Release Date 1/16/2010

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No bottle

1/16/2010 paddled out to Rawl left 14:45, back at 18:45. It was pretty windy, wind was from the NW at about 10 or 15 knots, and there was big swell from the NW ~ 6ft sometimes with a very slow period. It was ok to paddle in, but I definitely had to keep paying attention.

I got out to Edamango Island in about an hour. I had my mask so did some rolls to checkout the bottom and took a few pictures. Most of which didn’t really come out. Funny thing about underwater pictures they are never even close to the real thing., specially with my point and shoot camera.

Because there was so much swell it had churned the bottom up, and there was no visibility in a lot of spots, but it was easy to tell where it was clear from the surface. I want to come back here and go snorkeling as soon as I can. I can leave the boat on the beach and just swim out, so I don’t have to worry about losing it. When it is windy and current is strong it is just too stressful to try and do any freediving because I have to keep checking on the kayak, the paddle leashed to the kayak, if I am drifting the surf, etc etc…

After hanging around for a bit I paddled on out to Rawl and did a bit of the same thing there. I then beached the boat and had a snack and a drink before heading back. I did some more checking of the reef here. I think it is as nice or nicer, but I had to get out quite away from the island before the water was clear enough to see anything.

I have been doing the roll over with a mask to check out the bottom, and I keep having a problem where I get disoriented and have trouble rolling back up. There is something about using the mask under water that makes it difficult. I actually find it a lot easier to come up if I just close my eyes and then go into the mechanical roll mechanism.

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