Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Release Date 10/22/2009

I knocked off of work, and went for a paddle to celebrate my birthday on the water. I left about 15:00 and got back around 17:30.

If you look really close at the end of this video you can see the fish flying up out of the water like torpedos.

The weather was a bit overcast, but that was nice because it wasn’t so hot. Like everywhere the last part of the day can be the hottest here. I keep thinking I’m adjusted to it, but then I stand around outside for a bit, and start wilting and just want to sit in the shade and do nothing. I am actually starting to think that the only way to do any serious paddling is to get up at 2 or 3 in the morning and go when it is still dark for a most of the trip.

I paddled out past nago island into a pretty stiff wind 10 – 15kts, figuring I would have a nice easy ride home.

I explored a little deserted island, but couldn’t poke around it too much since it was getting late, and my plan for a wind assist on the way back was cancelled because the wind shifted to be from the west, and the became a lot weaker. I was also distracted by a huge school of fish.

I felt good to paddle hard and push myself a bit.

Truth: “Somewhere it’s your birthday”.

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